Category: Tech

Developing a Minimal Watchface for the Garmin Forerunner 55 (and other watches)

Read full story / A diary like post about developing a watchface using the Garmin Connect IQ SDK.

Tech Book Review: A personal view on Technics and Civilizations

Read full story / What can a 90-year-old book teach me about my contemporary life? Quite a few things it seems.

Book Review: The tech of 1984

Read full story / Reading the classic book 1984 and pondering about our times.

How Amazon Go gives me an uncomfortable itch

Read full story / Amazon Go is about more than just a frictionless customer experience. It's about a service that might collect a lot of customer data.

The problem with rating systems and how to solve it

Read full story / Rating systems are good. But they don't support experiences that raise the bar.

Tutorial: build a Facebook Messenger chatbot with

Read full story / How to build a chatbot with